The original Arnolt decal was added
to the face of the heater. Also the lower
support bracket has been
replaced. I had to remove the battery and
drill a hole in the protective battery tray. This was to
relieve pressure on the plastic from the head of the
bolt which connects to the support brackets
below. The heater
is now installed
in the car with the shutoff valve located directly
behind. The hoses leave the passenger
compartment through
the bulkhead and enter the engine bay. I chose
to use a rubber hose on the passenger side of the
car (LHD) all the way to the bypass fitting, and copper
tubing on the driver's side. I tried to use as
many of the original hose clamps as possible but was
forced to use modern hose clamps in a few
locations. I also decided to go with a
different style of
heater switch instead. I grounded the heater
and switch on the passenger side horn and got power
from the A4 terminal on the regulator with an inline
fuse at 7A.