Reassembly - Body Work
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March 25, 2007 Stripping the body of paint using paint
March 30, 2007 Stripping of paint from one of
the doors using paint remover.
3, 2007 One rear fender,
bulkhead, and bulkhead foot plate after media blasted.
April 13, 2007 Front fenders/front splash apron shown before
media blasting and after.
December 8, 2007 Front fenders shown
after body work
June 7, 2007 Both
rear fenders shown before/after body work and dp90
June 3-16, 2007 Before and after pictures of
the transmission housing.
The drive shaft tunnel, footwell, and gas tank to
body brackets shown after sand blasting and powder
June 9, 2007 The body of the car and most body pieces down
to bare metal.
The bonnet disassembled and ready to be media blasted.
August 28, 2007 The front splash apron and the
bulk head foot
plate blasted one additional time and sprayed with dp-40
prevent rust during restoration.
September 1, 2008
Doors mounted with custom support brackets in place.
Door checks installed.
Page created by Rich